
Friday, September 4, 2015

The Joy in Simple Gifts

A week prior to our trip to Tanzania, my daughter, Elizabeth, who traveled with me, suggested that we bring some sort of gifts for the children at LEA, evangelist Musa Njagamba's daughters, and the children of Buhangija (ministered to by Claire Grubbs and The Village of Living Hope).

Martin Tango, of LEA, suggested that their kids would love soccer balls. Sara Tamburello, an awesome lady we know from church, gave us 10 uninflated soccer balls along with pumps and an old, disposable suitcase to carry these with.  The children are frequently seen playing soccer with homemade soccer balls as shown below.  The children at LEA were so thrilled to have new, "real" soccer balls to play with.
typical homemade soccer ball in Tanzania
inflating the new soccer balls
the LEA soccer team; so thrilled to have "real" soccer balls
Claire Grubbs suggested that the children she taught at Buhangija preschool and primary school should have easily cleaned toys that could be shared while class was in session. Elizabeth thought of, and purchased a large set of Legos. We didn't get photos of the children from Buhangija with the Legos, but did have a few photos of these kids with Elizabeth, The children at Buhangija are not cared for well; they flock to Claire, and her missionary team of Deborah, Sarah, and Mike because they love on them, and help them unlike most in the government run facility.  Unlike the children at LEA, at Buhangija they are starving for attention and care. Praise God for Claire and her team and the love they show these abandoned albino children. More on Claire and The Village of Living Hope in a future post.

We were able to spend a few days with Merina and Amen Njagamba, as well as their mom, Adelina, and neice, Joyce who all reside at the Njagamba residence. We love this family; they hold a special place in our hearts.  We were also able to spend time with the extended Njagamba family of Musa's dad, Samson, in the village of Mesembo. Musa's 91 year old father and his step mother (much younger) have five children together.  Musa's father had nine chldren from his first wife, Merina, who passed away while Musa was very young.  I think one of the biggest surprises when we visted Samson was meeting four of his five younger children, including a 3 month old!


  1. Hi

    I am in the final year of my Part 1 architecture course in the UK and I am not sure what I want to do in the future. However, I am greatly encouraged by your work as an architect missionary and see it as a possible direction for me.

    Would I be able to contact you by email to ask you some questions?

    In Him


    1. Hi Samuel,
      Thanks for posting this comment. It is encouraging to hear of your heart for the Lord. I'd love to correspond more with you. Please email me at Or, you can touch base via Facebook as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
