
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Summary of recent trip too Tanzania

Following are some summary photos and highlights from a recent trip to Tanzania. My daughter, Elizabeth, was able to join me on the trip, and our dear friend, Musa Njagamba was with us through all our travels which began with one night in Moshi and to us to Mwanza. Following are a few photos and words regarding our journey:
  • Flew in to Kilimanjaro Airport, spent the night in Moshi, and headed toward Dongobesh
    L. to R. Pastor Zak, Musa, Martin, Elihuruma, Elizabeth, David, Mark
    Evangelist Elihuruma & Elizabeth

  • A stop off at Mto Wa Mbu on our drive to Dongobesh where we visited with  pastor Robert Mallya and did some field work to help prepare drawings expanding one of the churches he overseas so that it can seat around 500.
    Pastor Robert Mallya, Evangelist Musa Njagamba, & two evangelists whose names I didn't write down

    The village church where we will provide drawings to expand seating from about 100 to 500

  • Arrived at LEA orphanage/school in Dongobesh; spent time with staff, children, and also with the Mishyadi Ministry team headed up by Pastor Zakayo Malekwa.
    David, Mark, me and Elizabeth in our Tanzanian attire
    The kids loved Elizabeth
    children gathered for evening worship
    typical class
    some of Pastor Zak's 30 kids
    a well was successfully installed on the day we left town
    praying with the kids following evening worship
  • Traveled from Dongobesh to Measkrin Village and participated in a crusade organized by our friend John Athumani; and from there, spent a night in the nearby town of Katesh.
    Evangelists Paul, Musa, and John Athumani with David & Mark
    Evangelist John preaching at crusade
    worship dancers at crusade
    they even let me say a word or two, Musa translated
    Elizabeth had her own following in Measkrin
  • From Katesh we traveled to Musa's hometown of Singida and about four nights. We had an opportunity to deliver money to the contractor who is building Musa's home; visit Musa's family every night; spend a day with his daughters as we drove to the village of Mesembo to visit his father and extended family.
    Adelina, Merina, Joyce, Amen & Musa - evening worship at the Njagambas
    Peter (Musa's brother), Amen, Samson (Musa's 91 year old dad), and me
    Elizabeth with 3 mo. old Gloria (Musa's youngest sister), Claudia (his step-mom), Amen & Samson
    The Njagambas of Mesembo Village
  • Traveled from Singida to Shinyanga to spend some time with Claire Grubbs, her son John, Mike Fidele ( new missionary serving with Claire), Buhangija orphanage for albino children, and go measure up land where Claire and the Village of Living Hope ministry hopes to build a "village of living hope" for the distressed children of this part of Tanzania.
    Claire, John, and Mike at evening worship
    The children of Buhangija loving on Claire

    Claire, Musa, and Mike at the land where The Village of Living Hope is to be built
    Ohio State fans can be found everywhere :)
  • Our final travels took us from Shinyanga to Mwanza, where we were able to catch a flight back home.

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