
Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is a Salaman?

Paul, Daniel, Isaac, & yours truly
Well - perhaps rather than "what is a Salaman, I should ask, what are four Salaman's - and what do they have to do with Tanzania? Now - I may have some of the facts slightly off - but following is an explanation what a Salaman is: Paul & Christine Salaman, along with their two boys Daniel & Isaac are a British missionary couple who live in Dodoma, Tanzania; Paul is a physics professor at St. John's University, and Christine works with the local Anglican Church office.  Paul and Christine first came to Tanzania in 2000, a young couple with no children - seemed like it would be good to "try out" foreign mission work before starting a family.  They applied to a couple church mission agencies, and were accepted by the Anglican agency to serve a small parish in Killamintinde, near the archdiocese for central Tanzania.  While serving partly at the archdiocese - they met a young Musa Njagamba, who was assisting with youth outreach and music at the diocese, and became very close with this young man who had such a passion for preaching the gospel.  It is through Musa that I came to meet the Salaman's; I was even privileged to stay in their guest room which they call "the Musa room". 

Musa & Christine
Shortly after arriving, they became "hooked" on the people of Tanzania - but after about three years thought it would be good to head back to England to start their family. Shortly after the birth of their second son - they sought new opportunities to return and serve in Tanzania.  Paul noticed the need for a physics professor at St. John's in the city of Dodoma, and back they came in 2007.  coming up on six years, they figure to stay at least three more before returning to England for their son's to complete their secondary education there; and after that - who but God knows.  I suspect they will be back in Tanzania.

possible site for new dorm at St John's
St John's is a fairly old university, but as a Christian university is sort of the poor step sister to the much larger University of Dodoma (which is funded by the government, the muslim church, and has received large grants from the Gates Foundation).  St John's has a real need for new dormitories, but no funds.  Rentals in this city, due to having two universities, are very high, and it is often not safe for students to commute to off campus housing; in fact, last year a young lady was raped and murdered while commuting.  Paul, through the campus church, is seeking grants to help fund construction of a much needed dormitory.  In order to qualify for grants, they need drawings and construction estimates - and this is where God, through Musa, has connected the Salaman's with the Luebben's.  Please pray as we develop plans, that God will use these to help this dorm get built, and that more safe housing can be made available to the students of St. John's.

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