
Monday, May 11, 2015

LEA-Orphanage Well Project

In past posts I have shared about LEA Orphanage/Primary School.  A group of local businessmen have included me in their team and are seeking to raise funds to install a well that can be used by the school and community.  Please read more below:

Dongobesh, Tanzania

Partner with us on our mission to provide reliable, clean drinking water, and improve living conditions for the Dongobesh community. The cost for a well, solar powered pump, and storage tank is $35,000. Please prayerfully consider supporting your brothers and sisters in Tanzania. With your help we will complete this project and open the door to start sharing Jesus’s love by the end of 2015. We are partnering with HELPS Ministries (an ECFA accredited organization) to manage the donations.

The Team
Mark Croskrey
David Slater
Michael Croskrey
Ed Luebben

(509) 531-3016


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