
Sunday, September 28, 2014

William Henry Luebben II; my dad

Dad and me on January 20, 2011

On September 23, 2014, around 12:30 P.M., my dad left his life on this earth and began his life with our Savior in heaven.  My mom went to be with the Lord on March 4, 2010; so the two of them have been able to embrace again for the first time in 4-1/2 years. My dad experienced a series of hospitalizations (mostly with pneumonia) for a couple years after mom passed away; actually beginning with the day before she passed away. However, the past two years have been virtually hospital free and dad, who was four months shy of 90, was able to live in his three level home, drive, and was blessed with a strong mind up to his last breath on earth this past Tuesday.

Dad was raised in a church attending home; but it wasn't until listening to Billy Graham in 1960 that he responded to the Call of the Lord, and gave his heart to Jesus.  I was born in 1959; so my life was blessed with two Christ loving parents. Christ, our Rock, has seen us through plenty of difficult challenges, yet challenges common to man in this fallen world.  My dad and mom built a household on the solid Rock; a life of hope and purpose. 

I was privileged to have an especially close bond with dad that not all people have with their fathers; we are both architects, Ohio State grads, love long road trips and exploring new places, enjoyed audio books during our drives, playing card and board games, and just hanging out with each other.  My heart breaks at loosing (for awhile at least) my lunch mate, and all around best friend.  Dad, I know you are basking in the presence of our Lord, embracing mom, Cliff, your three miscarried unnamed children, Lindsey, Kelsey, and four additional unnamed grandchildren, and your great grandchild Ethan.  I trust that your parents and siblings are with you as well.  I truly miss you, and will cling to our Rock until we see each other face to face again. 

Following are a series of photos of this gentle, and kind man who was my dad.


  1. Just looking at some of these pics brings back memories of our neighbor days. Bless you and so so look forward to getting to know you all better in eternity! What an amazing truth!

  2. Glad to learn more about Uncle Bill, and loved looking at the pictures. I can tell by your writing that you and he shared a special bond, and I'm sure the hole he's left feels quite large. I'd wager a guess he had a special albeit different relationship with each of you, based on what I've read and photos I've seen. Seems like a loving and supportive family you've got there. Glad I married into it! Best to you and yours, Heidi Goodhart

  3. Heidi, and Stephanie - thank you so much for your kind comments.
